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What are reactive stained hardwood floors?

Reactive stains are a type of wood stain that creates a chemical reaction with the wood to produce a unique and unpredictable color.

Unlike traditional wood stains, which simply coat the surface of the wood, reactive stains penetrate the wood fibers and react with the natural tannins and other compounds in the wood to create a one-of-a-kind color that produces more depth and clarity.

The exact process and composition of reactive stains can vary depending on the specific product, but they typically contain a mixture of pigments, dyes, and chemicals that react with the wood to create a unique color. The stains are applied to the wood in a thin and even layer, and they are allowed to penetrate the wood for a certain amount of time before being wiped off or neutralized.

One of the main advantages of reactive stains is that they can create a wide range of colors and effects on hardwood floors. Because the color is created by a chemical reaction with the wood, the final color can be highly variable and unpredictable. This allows for a lot of creativity and experimentation with different colors and effects.

Another advantage of reactive stains is that they can create a more natural and organic look for hardwood floors. Because the color is created by reacting with the wood itself, the final color can vary and have subtle variations and imperfections, which can add to the natural and authentic appearance of the floors.

Overall, reactive stains are a unique and creative way to add color and character to hardwood floors. They work by creating a chemical reaction with the wood to produce a one-of-a-kind color, and they can offer a wide range of possibilities for customizing the look of your floors.